An online database of camouflage used by 
United State Naval Warships during WWII

Measure 10 
Gray System for Submarines
(Source: Ships-2 Rev. 2 June 1942)

Submarine USS Permit in MS10 Camouflage

All Surfaces:

Paint entire submarine above the waterline Ocean Gray 5-O.   The painting shall be carried over all parts which are visible for the air including the numbers, capstan and running light boards and bridge rails.  

The radio insulators shall be dark.  The shall be no boot topping.  The underbody shall be painted with the current issues of bottom antifouling paints.


Exposed brightwork shall be painted to harmonize with the exterior of the ship.

All Glass windows shall be removed, rolled down, or covered, unless conditions are such that light reflection from their surface is unknown.  Insofar as conditions permit, similar precautions shall be used on airport lenses.

All Canvas covers shall be colored to match adjacent ship paint.

Raised characters, such as ships names and draft marks, shall be retained and painted the same color as the hull in that vicinity.