Ship Camouflage Instructions
United States Navy
Ships - 2
Bureau of Ships
January 1941

Painting a Ship to Look Like another Ship


Measure 6.    Paint a Six Inch Cruiser to Simulate an Eight Inch Cruiser.

Paint the six inch cruiser with the pattern shown in Plate 9.  If the six inch cruiser is dark gray or black, the pattern shall be light gray; if the six inch cruiser is light gray or graded, the pattern shall be dark gray.

Measure 7.    Paint a Light Cruiser, 7500 Ton to Simulate a Four Stack Destroyer.

Paint the 7500 ton light cruiser with the pattern shown in Plate 10.  If the cruiser is dark gray or black, the pattern shall be light gray; if the cruiser is light gray or graded, the pattern shall be dark gray.

Measure 8.    Paint a Light Cruiser, 10,000 Ton, to Simulate a Two Stack Destroyer.

Paint the 10,000 ton light cruiser with the pattern shown in Plate 11.  If the cruiser is dark gray or black, the pattern shall be light gray; if the cruiser is light gray or graded, the pattern shall be dark gray.

Discussion of Measures 6, 7 and 8.

Measures 6, 7 and 8 have not been tested and their effectiveness is not known.  In general, experience has shown that any unusual painted pattern on a ship may cause an erroneous impression to an observer though this may be but momentary and often insignificant.

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